High quality foil baking cases
Each unit contains 24 items. The minimum order of 12 units means you will receive a minimum of 288 Green foil muffin cases's
High quality foil sweet cases
Each unit contains 100 items. The minimum order of 12 units means you will receive a minimum of 1200 Red Foil Sweet Case's
Code: NJSCF5
High quality grease proof tulip muffin wrap
Each unit contains 50 items. The minimum order of 12 units means you will receive a minimum of 600 Chocolate Tulip Muffin Wrap's
Code: NJMWR1
High quality foil baking cases
Each unit contains 24 items. The minimum order of 12 units means you will receive a minimum of 288 Purple foil muffin cases's
High quality silver foil stand alone muffin cases.
Just requires a baking tray. Contents 12 per tub.
50mm base x 39mm high.
Minimum order 6 tubs.
Each unit contains 1 x 12 items. The minimum order of 6 units means you will receive a minimum of 6 Silver Foilcraft Stand Alone Muffin Case's
Code: NJMF1S
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